"Whisper of the Heart" is a Studio Ghibli film directed by Hayao Miyazaki that aired in 1995. This is a youth romance film, which is unusual for Hayao Miyazaki's work. There was even a TV commercial with the catchphrase "I've created someone I like"... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music that you can use right now] Ghibli - Close your ears - All 4 scores
[Free sheet music that you can use now] Ghibli - Princess Mononoke - All 12 sheet music
"Princess Mononoke" is a Studio Ghibli film directed by Hayao Miyazaki that aired in 1997. 1997!!!... How many years is it now? Time passes so quickly (´;ω;`) This movie is my favorite Studio Ghibli Rankin movie... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music that you can use now] Ghibli - Princess Mononoke - All 12 sheet music
[Free sheet music you can use now] Ghibli - Spirited Away - 3 songs, 9 scores
"Spirited Away" is a Studio Ghibli film directed by Hayao Miyazaki that aired in 2001. I remember that it was in the news from the first day it aired, partly because it came after "Princess Mononoke," which became a hot topic. As of 2018... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music that you can use now] Ghibli - Spirited Away - 3 songs and 9 scores
[Free sheet music that you can use now] Ghibli - My Neighbor Totoro - All 16 sheet music
"My Neighbor Totoro" is a Ghibli movie that most people have seen. It is a masterpiece that always ranks high in the number of broadcasts even on Friday Road Show. I've been watching it regularly since I was little, and sometimes I just... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music you can use right now] Ghibli - My Neighbor Totoro - All 16 sheet music