"Porco Rosso" is a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki that aired in 1992. Among Ghibli-related piano scores, this is one that often contains multiple songs. Also, some of the songs from Porco Rosso are often played on the piano as jazz. Kya … [Read more...] about [Free sheet music that you can use now] Ghibli Porco Rosso - All 10 sheet music
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[Free sheet music you can use now] Ghibli - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - All 7 scores
"Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" is a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki that aired in 1984. Among Ghibli-related piano scores, this is one that often contains multiple songs. I mentioned Studio Ghibli in the title, but to be more precise, it is Studio Ghibli... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music that you can use now] Ghibli - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - All 7 scores
[Ready-to-use free sheet music] Ghibli - Castle in the Sky - 4 songs, 8 sheet music
``Laputa: Castle in the Sky'' is a timeless masterpiece directed by Hayao Miyazaki, which many people say is their favorite of all the Studio Ghibli films. The story starts with a shocking development in which "a girl falls from the sky" (to be more precise, she ... Musical score
Don't worry anymore! 4 tips to help your child learn piano in a fun and efficient way
I think there are many parents who teach their children piano or send them to piano classes. We want them to become professional pianists, we make them learn as part of their education, we make them play for brain development, and the reason behind this is... [Read more...] about Don't worry about it anymore! 4 tips to help your child learn piano in a fun and efficient way
[Free sheet music you can use now] - First generation Pokemon - 5 songs in total
The first generation Pokemon (red, green, blue, yellow) is a memorable masterpiece for people in their 20s and 30s. It quickly became a huge hit after its release in 1996, creating a Pokémon sensation. Even now, the Pokemon game... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music that you can use right now] - Original Pokemon - Total 5 songs