``Doraemon'' is one of the national animes that Japan is proud of.
It's a masterpiece that was made into an anime in the 1970s and has been widely loved for about 50 years.
The opening song for the second generation of Doraemon (I think?) is mao's ``Dream wo Maete Doraemon,'' which is easy to sing and still ranks in karaoke rankings.
This time, I would like to introduce you to the free sheet music for ``Make Your Dreams Come True, Doraemon''.
*Overall, the difficulty level is a little high.
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Make your dreams come true Doraemon free sheet music
Now, I'd like to introduce you to the free sheet music for ``Make Your Dreams Come True, Doraemon.''
We will be introducing sheet music posted on our sister site, the sheet music bulletin board, but due to copyright usage fees, you can only view the sheet music for free . Please note that there is a charge for downloading and printing. You can use it directly by opening the sheet music on your smartphone or tablet and placing it on the music stand.
Click on the sheet music image to go to the link. We've also embedded a YouTube video of the performance at the link, so take a close look at each sheet music, or listen to it, and choose your favorite sheet music.
If you don't like what you like from the free sheet music introduced this time, try purchasing professionally made piano sheet music sold by Print Music
*Please note that all sheet music is TV size (only the first verse).
Sheet music ① (Introduction)
This is an introductory level sheet music with a very simple arrangement of only the melody section.
The right hand melody has quite a lot of triplets. Playing the original song in your head will help you get a feel for the rhythm, so think of it as practicing triplets and play along with your left hand.
I think the melody can be played not only on the piano, but also on a keyboard harmonica or recorder.
Sheet music ② (beginner)
Next is the score that makes ① a little more difficult with an intro.
I'm thinking of it at a level of difficulty that is comparable to graduating from Burgmuller.
The range of the left hand is wider than that of Burgmuller, so move your hand slowly while checking its position at first.
*12/8 time is simpler, but I made it in 4/4 to match the introductory difficulty score in ①.
Sheet music ③ (intermediate)
Finally, there is the difficult score.
Suitable for people who can play the piano to some extent.
I think it's better to have proper pedals, but since it's difficult to use pedals, I think it's okay to practice without them at first.
You can check the performance video at the link, so please listen to it once before making a decision.
*12/8 time is simpler, but I made it in 4/4 to match the score of ① and ②.
-Make your dreams come true, Doraemon- Sheet music
Lastly, there is a sheet music created by a professional from ``Printo Gakufu'' operated by YAMAHA.
There is a fee, so if you are not satisfied with the free sheet music above, please search for it here. Music scores with various difficulty levels and arrangements are available for sale.
Since you can purchase individual songs, it's a better deal than buying a sheet music collection at a bookstore.
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