``The crown shines on you'' is also known as the theme of Koshien.
I think this is one of the sports songs that many people know, not only those who like high school baseball, but even those who don't. In fact, it is used not only in brass band performances during Koshien, but also as the melody for commercials and trains.
This time I will introduce the free piano sheet music for this song.
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The Crown Shines on You Free Piano Sheet Music
Now let's introduce the sheet music.
We also have sheet music with do-re-mi for beginners, so if you are new to piano, please use that as well.
that the copyright of the original song has not expired, so viewing the score is free , but downloading requires a fee.
We will introduce them in order of difficulty, so please choose the difficulty level that suits you.
If you are a beginner, you can improve your playing level by practicing the sheet music in order.
*All scores are from Ichiban only.
Free sheet music ① (Introductory version with do-re-mi)
The first thing I will introduce is my homemadeEasy sheet music with do-re-miis.
I changed the key to C major to make it easier to play.
It uses triplets a lot, so practice slowly until you get used to the rhythm.
Melodies can be played not only on the piano, but also on a recorder, piano app, etc.
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Free sheet music ② (beginner)
The sheet music I'll introduce next is a simple sheet music for beginners with a light prelude, returning to the original key, and raising the difficulty level a little.
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Free sheet music ③ (intermediate)
At the end, I added a prelude for those who can play the piano to some extent.Intermediate difficulty sheet musicis.
It looks like a cheering song, and the left hand takes the simple shape of a quarter note.
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Click here for sheet music of other nursery rhymes and choral songs.
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