"Kushikos Post" is one of the standard sports day songs.
Just like in ``Heaven and Hell,'' it is often used in running scenes, such as foot races, obstacle races, and entrance songs.
The original piece was written for orchestra, but it is also famous as a piano piece. There are many elements that are relatively difficult, such as the width of the range and the strength of the sound, and it is often used as a step-up for piano skills.
This time, I will introduce the free piano sheet music of "Kushikos Posto".
Some come with do-re-mi, while others are arranged according to difficulty level, so if you are interested, please give it a try.
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Kushikos Post free sheet music
Now, I would like to introduce you to the free sheet music for Bach's ``Kushikos Post''.
Look or listen to each score carefully and choose the one you like.
The copyright of the original song has expired, so you can download and print it for free. There is also a performance video below the sheet music image, so please use it as a reference.
If you don't like what you like from the free sheet music introduced this time, try purchasing professionally made piano sheet music sold by Print Music
-Kushikos Post-Free sheet music ① (Introduction)
First is a melody score with do-re-mi using the beginning of Kushikos Posto.
It has a wide range and often uses black keys, so even melody notes may be difficult for beginners.
-Kushikos Post-Free sheet music ② (Introduction)
Next is a simple left hand added.
-Kushikos Post-Free sheet music ③ (Beginner)
Next is a simple accompaniment added.
One of the characteristics of this song is that the dynamics are clear. Once you are able to play to a certain extent, start playing while paying attention to the volume of the sound.
Kushikos Post-Free Sheet Music ④ (Beginner)
Next, the left hand is brought closer to the original song.
Please note that there is a lot of repetition and the song is long.
Kushikos Post-Free Sheet Music ⑤ (Intermediate)
Finally, it is a sheet music for people who can play the piano to some extent, which reproduces the original song as much as possible.
-Kushikos Post- Sheet music
Lastly, there is a sheet music created by a professional from ``Printo Gakufu'' operated by YAMAHA.
There is a fee, so if you are not satisfied with the free sheet music above, please search for it here. We also sell sheet music for duets and jazz arrangements.
Since you can purchase individual songs, it is cheaper than buying a sheet music collection at a bookstore.
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