The anime "Detective Conan" has been aired since 1996. It is a timeless masterpiece that even today has many enthusiastic fans, and even recently it has been included in the top 5 of "Favorite Anime Rankings" and "Japanese Anime Rankings."
``Conan's Theme'' is an insert song that continues to be used even though various arrangements have been added to Conan since the first generation.
This time, I will introduce the piano score for "Conan's Main Theme".
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Conan's Theme Free Sheet Music
Now, I'd like to introduce you to the free sheet music for "Conan's Theme".
Look or listen to each score carefully and choose the one you like. Since the music is under copyright protection, the free use of the sheet music is only for viewing. It cannot be downloaded or printed. You can enlarge the score by clicking on the link, so please click on the score and check the link. You can also check the performance video at the link.
If you don't like what you like from the free sheet music introduced this time, try purchasing professionally made piano sheet music sold by Print Music
Also, please note that the four scores introduced this time are all TV size (only the first verse).
Free sheet music ① (with do-re-mi)
First is a simple sheet music with do-re-mi.
I transpose it to avoid playing the black keys as much as possible (to be exact, to A minor).
If you use the melody line in your right hand, you can also play it on a recorder or pianica.
Due to copyright reasons, the data is not posted on this site but on a sister site's sheet music bulletin board.
The difficulty level beginner .
<<Click on the image below for details on the score>>
Free sheet music ② (beginner)
Next is the score with ① (probably) returned to the original key.
In addition, the difficulty level has been increased slightly, especially with the left hand.
The difficulty level beginner .
<<Click on the image below for details on the score>>
Free sheet music ③ (intermediate)
Finally, this sheet music is for those who can play the piano to some extent.
It probably uses the intro that is often inserted in movies.
The difficulty level intermediate .
<<Click on the image below for details on the score>>
-Conan's Theme- Sheet music
Lastly, we would like to introduce sheet music created by professionals from ``Print Music'', which is operated by YAMAHA.
There is a fee, so if you are not satisfied with the free sheet music above, please search for it here. Music scores with various difficulty levels and arrangements are available for sale.
Since you can purchase individual songs, it's a better deal than buying a sheet music collection at a bookstore.
anonymous says
I'm glad it was easy to understand.