"Niji no Mukouni" was aired as the song of the month on NHK's E-TV program "Okaasan to Issho" in 1996. It's not just the song of the month, it's one of the songs that has been popular ever since. Even now, the same program still shows the songs of the older brother and the older sister... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Rainbow Beyond 3 sheet music for different difficulty levels
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[Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Fujinoyama (Mt. Fuji) 3 sheet music by difficulty level
Fuji no Yama (Mt. Fuji) is a famous nursery rhyme that has been sung by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This time I will introduce the free piano sheet music for this song. Fuji no Yama (Mt. Fuji) Free piano sheet music Here is the sheet music... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Fuji no Yama (Mt. Fuji) 3 sheet music for different difficulty levels
[Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Hohokekyo 3 sheet music by difficulty level
"Hohokekyo", composed by Rentaro Taki, is one of the nursery rhymes often sung at nursery schools. This time I will introduce the free piano sheet music for this song. Hohokekyo Free Piano Sheet Music Here's the sheet music... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Hohokekyo 3 sheet music by difficulty level
[Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Tantan Birthday 3 sheet music by difficulty level
``Tantan Birthday'' is a birthday song often sung at nursery schools. This time I will introduce the free piano sheet music for this song. Tantan Birthday Free Piano Sheet Music Let's introduce the sheet music... [Read more...] about [Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Tantan Birthday 3 sheet music by difficulty level
[Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Tomato 3 sheet music by difficulty level
"Tomato" is one of the famous nursery rhymes. There are many nursery rhymes that have tomatoes as their theme, but this one is one that says, ``Tomato is a cute name.'' This time I will introduce the free piano sheet music for this song. … [Read more...] about [Free sheet music with do-re-mi] Tomato 3 sheet music by difficulty level